November is Native American Heritage Month!

Here are a few resources to help you research the history, culture, and contemporary issues of Indigenous peoples.

Scribner Library

Bibliography of Indigenous Peoples in North America – This database provides access to newspaper, magazine, journal, and trade articles covering a wide variety of topics relating to indigenous peoples.

Indigenous Histories and Cultures in North America – This primary source database provides access to four centuries worth of archival material including those works that chronicle the interactions of Europeans with Indigenous Peoples.

Indigenous Peoples of the Americas: History, Culture & Law – This database consolidates the wealth of material available on indigenous American life and law.

 Outside Organizations

These organizations not only have extensive online collections that you can search for primary source material, but several have created pages specifically for National American Indian Heritage Month.

Library of Congress – Learn the history and see the documents that stipulated November as National American Indian Heritage Month (now more commonly known as Native American Heritage Month).

National Archives
National Park Service